The florist at the farmers market said the sunflowers in the side bucket weren’t up to their standards to sell … but we could take them at discounted rate if we wanted to.
The flowers were a little wilted and not standing as proud and tall as the ones claimed “fit for sale” but to me they were still beautiful.
This made me think of how God sees us.
We are wilted, broken, ashamed, and hurting... often casting ourselves aside as isolated and unworthy... but God sees us and calls us beautiful & Beloved.
Where we see brokenness, God sees the Perfect Love of Jesus who has already paid our ransom for sins.
We are broken. We are lost. We are hurting. We are sinners.
But God uses broken people to do some of His best work.
After all, He doesn’t call the equipped.
Saul murdered Christians before he was converted, later becoming one of the greatest evangelists to ever walk this earth.
Jesus’ own lineage in Matthew 1:1-17, is generations full of imperfect people... YET God chose THOSE broken people to be foundational ancestors of THE Messiah, THE Son of God, Perfect Love made flesh.
The Bible has hundreds of individuals as proof of that.
We are broken. I am broken. But God uses broken people to do amazing things.
God will use you to shine His light in this often dark world. NOT despite your brokenness but BY your brokenness.
In fact, He uses the broken the most.
Keep the faith and like these wilted sunflowers keep facing the Sun (the Son).
With love,